Juve Research 2021 – EAG remains among the top 3 law firms in salzburg
As every year, the professional journal “JUVE-Magazin für Wirtschaftsjuristen in Österreich” analyses the legal market in Austria. As in previous years, EAG was named one of the top 3 law firms in Salzburg:
The renowned Salzburg law firm has set the course for the future. Almost no other local law firm can offer a team of four younger partners, which an experienced competitor praises as “very motivated”. The success is also reflected in the clients of these lawyers, including the reorganisation of the Friesacher Group. An important pillar of the firm continues to be its good contacts to the city and state of Salzburg, which repeatedly rely on Stefan Guggenberger and Dr. Alfred Ebner in public procurement law. This also gives rise to mandates in other areas, such as construction law litigation with considerable volumes. Andreas Obertscheider in particular focuses on disputes: his cases include mandates in damages and liability disputes. Overall, conflict resolution forms a significant part of the firm’s activities.
Strengths: Excellent contacts with the public sector. Often recommended: Dr. Alfred Ebner (“very experienced in construction law”, client), Dr. Michael Ebner (“clear answers, easy to reach”, client; “has developed well” competitor). Team: 7 EQ partners, 3 trainee lawyers Focus on corporate law as well as real estate and construction law, including litigation, insolvency law, public procurement law. Clients Reorganisation of the Friesacher Group; shareholder in the sale of Dyckerhoff and Widmann to the Bodner Group; €1.3 million liability case and planning errors in a project with several hydroelectric power plants as well as various construction and damages cases; Salzburg Chamber of Commerce on public procurement law regarding the construction of the new tourism school in Klessheim; freight forwarding company in dispute regarding the expansion of operations in Schallmoos; administration of AML Elektrotechnik, Cook & Wine Genuss, Gourmet Haus, Liberty Internat. Reise; trademark administration for Messezentrum Salzburg, Isocell, Eurogast Österreich, Amari Austria, MySoup, BT3 Betontechnik, Gmundner Keramik; ongoing: City and Province of Salzburg as well as other municipalities in terms of public procurement law.
(It is noted that this is not a literal quote, rather a translation of the German article.)